Szabad Közép-Európa
Free Central-Europe
Alapítványunk 2011-ben jelentette meg A Szabad Közép-Európa múltja és jövője című kötetet. Ebben történészek, politikusok és egyházi emberek tanulmányait közöltük. Ezek a Párkányban (Sturovo SK) 2008-ban és 2009-ben tartott konferenciákon hangzottak el. Ezek egyrészt arról az európai összefogásról szóltak, amely révén 1683-ban megindult Sobieski János lengyel király vezetésével a török kiűzése. Éppen itt Párkánynál volt egy nagy győztes csata a török ellen.
Másrészt a 2009-ben tartott párkányi konferencia arról szólt, hogy az 1939 szeptemberében német és szovjet csapatok által lerohant Lengyelországot és lengyeleket, hogyan segítették Csehszlovákián át Magyarországra az akkori emberek. A kötetben szereplő előadások jó példát mutatnak arra, hogy Közép-Európa jövője csak olyan összefogás révén valósítható meg, amelyet 1683-ban és 1939-ben láthattunk.
A konferenciák szervezésében meghatározó szerepe volt a Lengyel Nemzeti Harc és Mártíromság Emlékét Őrző Tanács vezetőjének, a kiváló történésznek, Andrzej Przewoznik-nak. A kötet egyúttal az Ő személyének is emléket állít, mert Ő azon a repülőgépen volt, amelyet 2010. április 10.-én a lengyel köztársasági elnökkel együtt Szmolenszk-nél lezuhant.
Ezért tartjuk fontosnak, hogy a magyar nyelvű kötet után most lengyelül és szlovákul is megjelentessük a könyvet. Ebben partnereink:
1. Limes-Anavum Egyesület, Párkány
2. Morva Nemzeti Múzeum, Brno
3. Józef Pilsudski Intézet, Varsó
Limes - Anavum Regionálne Vlastivedné Združenie
Limes – Anavum Regional Homeknowledge Association
Moravské Zemské Muzeum
Moravian Museum
Instytut Józefa Pilsudskiego Poswiecony Badaniu Najnowszej Histori Polski
Józef Pilsudski Institute in the Research of Modern History of Poland
The matter of the project is to publish the papers of two previously organized international conferences
organized in 2008 and 2009 in Sturovo, SK. The conference involved more then 30 Polish, Slovakian,
Hungarian, and Romanian historians and public figures. The publication will serve as a highly relevant
source on the effects of the freedom fights of Christian Europe against the fascists and communists.
The objective of the project is to publish the results in a Slovakian and Polish volume.
The volume contains the presentations delivered in two scientific conferences. In the conference held
in Sturovo in 2008 Polish, Slovakian, Hungarian, and Romanian historians, archivists, writers, and
public figures praised the victory of the Christian troops led by the Polish king, Jan Sobieski in 1683 at
Sturovo over the Ottoman troops. The second scientific conference was held in Sturovo in 2009
commemorating the reception and assistance of the Polish refugees fled to Slovakia and Hungary
after September 1939. Both conferences represented well the common history of the three nations,
the common suffering, and the assistance provided to the neighbouring nations.
It has a prime importance to publish this volume as neither the role of Christian Europe (1683), nor the
sufferings of the Polish nation during Nazi and Soviet occupation and the Slovakian and Hungarian
assistance was allowed to emphasise during the communist dictatorships.
Consequently, the planned volume is a truly missing one. It is a sad actuality that a chief organizer of
the conferences, Andrzej Przewoznik, died in the plane crash at Smolensk on 10 April 2010 together with President Lech Kaczynski. Przewoznik, secretary of state of the Council for the Protection of Struggle
and Martyrdom Sites, played an important role in the erection of the monument of Jan Sobieski in
Sturovo in 2008. The death of the Polish political elite in Smolensk is a genuine Central Europe
tragedy. After the publication of the volume we consider it highly important to present the collection in
Bratislava, Sturovo and Brno, as well as in Warsaw. With the help of present grant, important details
of the common history of the four nations could bediscovered.
The aim of present project is to publish a highly important volume in Slovak and Polish languages. The
volume presents the joint struggles of the V4 countries in the past 350 years, struggles against the
Turks, against Nazism and Soviet Communist totalitarianism. Present volume stresses that sticking
together, joining forces and cooperation could only lead to success in the region of the V4 countries.
Topics were elaborated by an international team of experts from the V4 countries. With the publication
of the volume in Polish and Slovakian also the results will be available for all the four countries.
Planned book presentations will promote the volume for a wider public and through the book mutual
appreciation could develop between these nations.
The publication aim to reach scholars working on comparative history and on the history of the
communist regimes of the region. The volumes will certainly be incorporated into the university
curriculum as well. Besides professional researchers everybody interested to gain a more precise
overview of the studied topics could be considered as a potential target.
As a result of the project authors, researchers and decision makers interested in the issues would gain
a major source from a comparative point of view. The volumes can help to establish and strengthen
scientific cooperation in the region. The publication can further the considerable political, scientific and
cultural effect of the conferences. Furthermore, relevant sources of the matter would be published and
provided for wider use.
Az elkészült köteteket bemutatjuk a partnerekkel együtt:
1. Pozsony 2014.
2. Párkány 2014.
3. Brno 2014.
4. Varsó 2014.
1. Bratislava 2014.
2. Sturovo 2014.
3. Brno 2014.
4. Warsaw 2014.